A downloadable game

Asqueria: Origins of the Dream is a single player RPG aiming to capture that classic 16bit era JRPG vibe, with some inspirations from CRPGs, TTRPGs, and MMOs, with a dark fantasy flair and some modern mechanical twists. 

Don't want to download? Try the web demo here: https://darkscream.itch.io/asqwebdemo

*Note the web demo is a reduced filecount version of v0.2.6, with animations and media removed, likely won't be updated or bugfixed much. Just a web-friendly version you can test if you're afraid of downloads.

v0.2.7 is live!

In the demo, Play through standard gameplay, or talk to the "playtesting crystal" NPCs to test extra party members, higher levels, fight a target dummy, or explore "unfinished areas"!

Total playtime (story) 1-2hrs depending how much you like to explore etc.

The classes, skills and combat systems have received the most development at this stage; Combat dummy testing up to level 99 is available.


1. Patch trailer

2. Combat / Dungeon Crawl

3. The Dreamcamp / Aegrit's Journal

Demo Features:

10 of 12 playable characters are now available for testing - Four in the story portion and six more accessible through a special playtesting NPC.

  1. Argenti, a contemplative infernal pugilist who uses heavy armor, shields and light magic mixed with martial arts techniques,
  2. Aegrit, an arrogant celestial sorceress tainted by shadows, a scribe and arcanist by profession,
  3. Naithe- A tactically minded celestial huntress loyal to Edyn, the Fae kingdom, ever chasing her next quarry,
  4. Cielle - unlocked through gameplay - a mysterious ooze taking the form of a woman, limited in speech but adept in elemental magics..
  5. ..and six others available through testing NPC (story scenarios NYI)
  • Visit the Dreamcamp, 
    • Expanding the classic "JRPG save point" into a quick interdimensional jaunt to home base. The campsite evolves with the party and story, and serves as location for a number of game systems. The Dreamcamp can be accessed through the   Dreamrune consumable in appropriate locations (similar to a tent/resting item in other games).
  • Record your journey in Aegrit's Journal, 
    • The 📕Journal system provides access to a compendium with objects, skills, enemies, even music and books that they've discovered.
    • Found a cool book but don't feel like stopping to read? No problem, add it to your 📚 Bochord and skim it later when you're in camp. 
    • Can't get that tune out of your head? Load up the 🎵 Garland and play your favorite tracks.  
    • Other features include the 👹Bestiary, ⚔️Armory, 📊Statistics page and more.. 
    • Serves as both a quality of life and collections systems for those who enjoy completionism and extra lore. There's no player power in the journal system.. Unless you count knowledge. Which you should. So read it a bit!
  • JRPG combat with unique flavor
    • Inspired by mechanics from RPGs, MMOs, and TTRPGs
    • Themed with a unique IP featuring a mix of cultural, historical and mythological influences. And maybe the occasional dark humor.
    • Classes with sharp strengths/weaknesses for more interesting roster decisions- Setup your party for each adventure considering the type and element of your potential foes.
    • Refined traditional side battler combat with features such as Advanced Targeting, Creature Types, Varied skill costs (HP/MP/TP/Gold/Items),  Scaling Secondary stats (Defense grants evasion, Luck grants hit/crit chance, etc), and more..
    • World brimming with interactable objects, secrets and lore.. 
  • Testing/Cheating NPCs ("Demo Staff")
    • For the demo, there are "PTR style" NPCs who can add party members, levels, gold etc for testing purposes- Preview how they affect the Dreamcamp and the UI for roster management, character stats and skills, etc. This can be found at the starting location or in the Dreamcamp itself.
    • There is a "Target Dummy" crystal who can generate a "boss battle" against creatures of different tiers, allowing the player to test out mechanics at different levels.
    • There is also a guide who will direct players to testing areas and act as placeholder for certain events.
    • Please note, many skills do not have animations/sounds hooked up yet (Especially the party members you get via the cheat crystal)

Full version plans 12 party members, Each with a unique class and 2-4 potential subclasses, 500+ skills, 100+ status effects, and more - many of which are already implemented in the game code but may or may not be available for testing. Check out the playtesting NPCs for current options.


Follow the story of Argenti, a light-touched Infernal at odds with his own kind, and Aegrit, a tainted Celestial sorceress who liberates him from imprisonment on orders from the Celestial Queens. Both affected by the recent spread of magics, and somewhat outcasts amongst their kind, which draws them together. Their journey will span from the abyssal fortress of the Necropolis, though the world to the seraphic domains of Edyn to fulfill the Queens' command. In this demo, You placed on the border of the Cursed Lands and Chilled Cordillera, with some helpful testing NPCs explaining how to get started. The "story journey" takes you southwest to Polaris tower,  into the green woods of Lapysbrook, and finally north, to the logging town Lignato and the haunted Castle Kyrych. Additional story party members include Naithe and Cielle. Alternatively, just explore or mess around with different party setups at the playtesting crystals.

Related titles:

Game Jam theme: It's Spreading! (Pirate Jam 14)
What's spreading in Asqueria? Chaos, in a sense. Polar opposites. The equal and opposite reaction. 
In a world whose history tells a tale of very defined and divided themes and elements, alignments and factions, things are getting muddled.  Magic is beginning to change and spread.. All while a seemingly eternal war finally comes to a climax. 
OK That's a lot of words.. but in the demo, We only see a portion of this, represented by the characters who are a bit muddled themselves, elementally and otherwise.. and their adventures showing the spread of opposing magics in the world. What's spreading is the opposite of what's supposed to be there.
Game Jam participation:
  • Pirate Jam 14
  • Feedback Quest 5 mini (RPG edition)
  • Feedback Quest 6
About this game and dev:
This project is a demo/prototype originally for a game jam, made by a first time game jammer and amateur solo dev, using RPGMaker MV. There's a mix of free use and licensed assets which are still being customized. 
Most everything should already be credited within the game's credit page including links to TOU pages, and assets are encrypted where required per those terms. Game features cartoon/fantasy world violence, and some crude language, with a profanity filter option in the settings (but it's buggy in the demo. sorry.)
The IP and world is based off an unfinished TTRPG project of mine - A world that's only lived in my brain and at my game tables finally brought to life in a different form.
Anyway, Hope you enjoy the prototype. If not tell me why, yea?
Asqueria: Origins of the Dream is made in Canada!

-Game Jams-
#piratejam #feedbackquest


Asqueria- Origin of the Dream 0.2.7.zip 605 MB
Asqueria-Origins v0.2.7 patch notes.docx 462 kB
Asqueria Origins v0.2.5 patch notes.docx 462 kB
Asqueria Origins v0.2.0 patch notes.docx 186 kB

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